

“Can Jesus See Your Faith?”

Can Jesus See Your Faith?

David Sproule

In Mark 2, we find one of the most exciting and vivid stories in the New Testament.  Jesus was preaching in Capernaum, “and it was heard that He was in the house.  Immediately many gathered together, so that there was no longer room to receive them, not even near the door” (Mark 2:1-2).  Four men carried a paralytic to the house, but “they could not come near Him because of the crowd” (2:3-4), so “they uncovered the roof where [Jesus] was.”  Can you imagine seeing that from inside the house?  “So when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying” (2:4).  The Bible says in the next verse that “Jesus saw their faith” (2:5).

What does that mean?  Isn’t faith something in a person’s heart?  Does that mean that Jesus was looking into their hearts to see their faith?  Not necessarily.  It is certainly possible (see John 2:24-25), but we also know that faith is something which God teaches that we “show” to others through our “works” (Jas. 2:17-18).  So, when “Jesus saw their faith,” He saw four men at work on behalf of their friend, and the paralytic was blessed by Jesus as a result of the faith of his friends.

So here’s the question—Does Jesus see your faith?  And when He sees your faith, what does He see?

Does Jesus see your faith in teaching the gospel to others?  “Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead” (Jas. 2:17).  You may have faith in the gospel.  You may have faith in the need to take the gospel to lost souls (Mark 16:15).  But, if your mental belief is not put into action with actual works of teaching the gospel, then your faith is dead.

Does Jesus see your faith in serving your brothers and sisters in Christ?  “Faith without works is dead” (Jas. 2:20).  You may have faith in the value of the church.  You may have faith in the need do good especially to brethren (Gal. 6:10).  But, if your mental belief is not put into action with actual works of encouraging and serving the brethren, then your faith is dead.

Does Jesus see your faith in worshiping God every week?  “Faith without works is dead” (Jas. 2:26).  You may have faith in the blessing of regular worship.  You may have faith in the need to prioritize and enjoy assembling with the church and worshiping God every week (Matt. 4:10; 6:33).  But, if your mental belief is not put into action with actual and faithful attendance and participation in worshiping God, then your faith is dead.

Jesus saw their faith!  What did He see in their faith?  What does He see when He sees your faith?