

“18 Ways to “Build Up” One Another in Worship Assemblies”

18 Ways to “Build Up” One Another in Worship Assemblies

David Sproule

There is no better day of the week than the first day of the week!  There is no greater blessing and privilege on the first day of the week than to worship the God of all creation, our heavenly Father!  And the New Testament emphasizes that this wonderful opportunity takes place when “the church” “comes together” each Lord’s day (1 Cor. 11:171820333414:2326). 

One primary purpose for the church to “come together” to worship on the first day of the week is to “build up” one another.  That is repeated throughout the fourteenth chapter of First Corinthians (14:3, 4, 5, 12, 17), where Paul concludes: “Let all things be done for building up” (14:26).  While we can certainly “build up one another” outside the worship assembly, the “building up” emphasized in this chapter is a “building up” that is particular to the assembly of the church and cannot be given or received outside of it.  So, in a practical way, what are some things that we can do to “build up” one another when we assemble together as a church on the first day of the week?  Let’s consider just a few.

1. Arrive early, well before it’s time to start.
2. Start by talking to folks while in the parking lot.
3. Don’t just go to your seat; walk around greeting people.
4. Smile.
5. Hug.
6. Shake hands, fist bump, high five, whatever.
7. Have a real, genuine, intentional conversation.
8. Look into their eyes and show sincere interest.
9. Seek out folks you don’t know as well or speak to often.
10. Say something like, “It is so good to see you.”
11. Say something like, “How have you been doing this week?” and then listen.
12. Say something like, “I prayed for you this last week,” or “I will definitely pray for you this week.”
13. Participate heartily in the worship.
14. Sing out with joy, rather than sitting silently.
15. Reflect on the cross during the Lord’s Supper, rather than carrying on a conversation or making a grocery list.
16. Engage in the sermon and show real interest, rather than being disengaged, playing on your device or looking bored.
17. Don’t rush off.  Stay late, several minutes after dismissal.
18. Take the initiative, rather than waiting for others.

What would you add?  Let us make assembling on the Lord’s Day the most encouraging time of the week.